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  • Writer's pictureShayna Clark

Stranger Things and Marilyn Monroe

What does Beyonce, Marilyn Monroe, and Britney Spears have in Common? MK Ultra! Never heard of MK Ultra before. It is defined as " a top-secret CIA project in which the agency conducted hundreds of clandestine experiments sometimes on unwitting U.S. citizens to assess the potential use of LSD and other drugs for mind control, information gathering and psychological torture" ( Editors1). One conspiracy theory to investigate is: 1. Are celebrities, such as Marilyn Monroe, under mind control or are they not? Let’s see if we can uncover the MK Ultra conspiracy theories.

Marilyn Monroe was a very psychotic celebrity. Evidence from Grunge and Autopsy Files state that her autopsy file had a statement from her psychiatric team, and they were brought in to examine the celebrity’s death (Mendoza 1) (Marilyn Monroe Autopsy Report 1). It stated "Miss Monroe suffered from psychiatric disturbance for a long time. She experienced severe fears and frequent depressions. Mood changes were abrupt and unpredictable” and that was just a little of what it said (1). The celebrities team also noted “Aside from Monroe's reported depression and anxiety shortly before her death, the team also discovered that the actress ‘often expressed wishes to give up, to withdraw, and even to die’” (1). At one time, she also had attempted suicide but called for help and was tended to in the nick of time (1).  

Another instance proving she was psychotic is an article from Vanity Fair by Sam Kashner there is an excerpt from Marilyn Monroe’s Diary:

I picked up a light-weight chair and slammed it … against the glass intentionally. It took a lot of banging to get even a small piece of glass—so I went over with the glass concealed in my hand and sat quietly on the bed waiting for them to come in. They did, and I said to them “if you are going to treat me like a nut I’ll act like a nut. ( Kashner 1)

There are other places in her diary where she proves she is psychotic. It is going along with the previous excerpt. She writes what she said to Dr. Greenson after threating to him that she was going to harm herself with the glass if they would not let her go,the furthest thing from my mind at that moment since you know Dr. Greenson I’m an actress and would never intentionally mark or mar myself, I’m just that vain. Remember when I tried to do away with myself I did it very carefully with ten seconal and ten tuonal and swallowed them with relief (that’s how I felt at the time” (1). These diary logs are just a little bit of evidence that Marilyn was psychotic.

Marilyn was psychotic like her mother and grandmother. Research states that “At age 19, Norma Jeane could recall her mother was inadequate in maternal care, knew she had left her as an infant to the care of friends, that she was severely mentally ill, and in mental hospitals most of her adult life. Her grandmother also became psychotic and died in a California State mental hospital” (Jensen 1). Marilyn also signed herself into a psychiatric ward in New York called the Payne Whitney Psychiatric Ward on January 21,1961, about a month after divorcing her ex-husband Miller (1). While she was hospitalized, there was an interview done with Marilyn. In the interview, it said “she had been hearing voices for years (1). She also felt paranoid and always suspected that someone was watching her or was after her” (1). At the time, she was suffering from severe insomnia and wanted to get some rest. Marilyn at one time stated, “she would have a dark mood from nowhere…When you’re young and healthy you can plan on Monday to commit suicide and by Tuesday you’re laughing again” (1). When Clark Gable suddenly died, Marilyn stated “There is too much pain in living. When they brought me back to life after my suicide attempt, I was very angry. People have no right to make you live when you don’t want to” (1).  This is other information that proves that Marilyn Monroe was very psychotic.

Marilyn Monroe was diagnosed with sixteen different mental disorders (Jensen 1). These are the psychiatric disorders described: mood disorder such as bipolar disorder type I and II, substance dependence, substance-induced psychotic disorder with delusions and hallucinations, social anxiety disorder, anxiety disorder, dependent personality disorders, personality disorder such as borderline personality disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, primary insomnia, female sexual arousal disorder, female orgasmic disorder, stuttering, dissociative disorder, specific phobia such as animals being killed, undifferentiated somato form disorder such as psychosomatic disorder, posttraumatic stress disorder, and dyslexia (1). Two diagnoses she never had or was diagnosed with were schizophrenia and multiple personality disorder (1). All these mental disorders were in the book “Marilyn: A great woman’s struggles who killed her and why” (1). This list proves she was a person who suffered from severe mental health and was psychotic due to this diagnosis.

Marilyn Monroe’s mental health started to decline, and she started receiving psychiatric treatment at the age of 29 in 1955 she started to show severe maladjustment (Giulia 1).  Marilyn asked for help from Margaret Hohenberg, who was the first of five psychoanalyst who treated Marilyn Monroe until she died. She was also treated by Anna Freud, Marianne Kris, Ralph Greenson and Milton Wexler (1). Marilyn Monroe did three to five sessions a week and was taking medications for insomnia and anxiety on top of treatments (1). In the end of Marilyn’s life, her mental health was aggravated by alcohol, barbiturate abuse and was characterized by extreme excitement, irritability, insomnia, rumination, dysphoria, and self-injury (1).  All this information is found in an article called Clinical Neuropsychiatry Journal of Treatment Evaluation by Amatori Giulia (1). There is plenty more information proving she was mentally unstable and a psychotic celebrity.

One conspiracy theory to investigate is:  Are celebrities, such as Marilyn Monroe, Taylor Swift, Lady Gaga, Amanda Bynes and Kurt Cobain under mind control or are they not? Let’s focus only on Marilyn.

There is proof that Marilyn was the first MK ultra “Monarch Mind Control” victim. Marilyn Monroe was the First Beta Slave of MK ULTRA. If you know this, you can now look at her photos for indicators:

When I see her eyes, there is an incredibly amount of trauma there. How many men raped her throughout her life and thought they could get away with it? Any photos of men with Marilyn Monroe suggest that they are Handlers and that there’s an 80% chance that they raped her because they thought they could get away with it. Thankfully there is so much physical evidence that abounds in all the photographs over the years.” Any men ever “seen” with obvious Beta Slaves are suspect. (“MARILYN MONROE - 1st Beta Slave 1”)

 Marilyn Monroe was the original mind-control slave, at least according to conspiracy theorists (Staff, T. R 1). She was supposedly part of Project Monarch, which was a part of MK ULTRA that was supposed to make Betas, which basically were sexually programmed slaves. It was said that her Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) handler was Anton LaVey, who was the leader of the Church of Satan (1). So far, this sounds like the beginning of a great party. According to some reports, her death was the result: "When Monroe’s programming lost its effect and she started to break down, some argue that she was 'thrown off the freedom train,' an MK ULTRA term for designating slaves that are killed when they are not useful (and potentially dangerous) to their handlers” (1).

In programming Monarch slaves, mirrors are used a great deal. Within the Monarch slave’s mind, countless mirror images are made (“Marilyn Monroe 1”). The slave sees thousands of mirrors everywhere in their mind (1). Because Marilyn was so stripped of any personal identity, she decorated her house as her mind looked on the inside–full of mirrors (1). Although other Monarchs may have some desire to decorate with mirrors, Marilyn is the most extreme case of filling one’s house full of mirrors (1).

It appears that Marilyn Monroe was a mind-controlled sex slave, a "Presidential Model" like Cathy O'Brien and Brice Taylor, who also slept with John F Kennedy (JFK) (“Was Marilyn Monroe an Illuminati Sex Slave?” 1). Marilyn was programmed and then used to program society (1). As an orphan, she was abused in foster homes and worked as a stripper and probably a prostitute until she was adopted by the CIA to convey messages and service world leaders (1). She was murdered by lethal injection after she threatened to expose her affair with the Kennedy brothers due to saying she was "tired of being passed around" (1). There is, however, also plenty of proof to say that Marilyn was not under mind control at all and that her behavior was due to the mental health conditions within her family. The mental health issues she suffered were early on in her life. Therefore, it seems she may have been under mind-control.

Marilyn Monroe's death was listed suicide due to "acute barbiturate poisoning due to ingestion of overdose” (Mendoza 1). The celebrity’s body was taken to the Los Angeles County Coroner’s Mortuary where the Medical Examiner T. Noguchi did her autopsy (1). According to the medical examiner’s findings, Marilyn Monroe overdosed on sedatives (1). According to her toxicology screening, Marilyn Monroe had lethal doses of Nembutal in her blood stream (1). According to Rxlist, “Nembutal is a barbiturate which is in the sedative class that is used for treating short term insomnia” (1). The celebrity’s psychiatric team that examined Marilyn Monroe's death also stated in her autopsy report in the toxicology section Marilyn Monroe also had a large dose of chloral hydrate in her system (1). Although suicide is listed as her cause of death, it remains a mystery whether this was a homicide or a suicide.

In an article published by Grunge, nearly 60 years after her death, Marilyn Monroe still has one of the most recognizable faces in Hollywood, if not the world (Lavendar 1). The actress and model has been immortalized in artworks, song lyrics, iconic images, and more t-shirts than even the most dedicated collector could count. But, the same sexy image that made her popular saw her being dismissed by the serious actors she wanted to impress. She struggled to find lasting love and experienced many other tragedies. She often self-medicated, and she struggled to find supportive people to guide her away from her demons. There is plenty of proof that Marilyn had mental health issues rather than being under MK Ultra mind control.

Are celebrities, such as Marilyn Monroe, under mind control or are they not? The best possible solution to solve the conspiracy is those closest to Marilyn in her life controlled her with other forms of techniques, such as mental health medications and hospitalization, not by using MK Ultra mind control.

Work Cited

Dell’Osso, Liliana, et al. “The Illness Trajectory in Marilyn Monroe‘s Psychological Autopsy: From Autism Spectrum Disorder to Borderline Personality Disorder and Bipolar Disorder with Catatonia.” Clinical Neuropsychiatry, vol. 20, no. 6, pp. 505–10. PubMed Central, Accessed 14 Mar. 2024.

Jensen, Gordon D. M.D. Marilyn: A Great Woman’s Struggles: Who Killed Her and Why. The Psychiatric Biography. Xlibris Corporation, 2012.

Kashner, Sam. “Marilyn and Her Monsters.” Vanity Fair, 5 Oct. 2010,

Marilyn Monroe Autopsy Report,,%20marilyn_report.pdf. Accessed 14 Mar. 2024.

“Marilyn Monroe.” You’ve Got Questions?, 6 Jan. 2012,

Mendoza, Jean. “Disturbing Details Discovered In Marilyn Monroe’s Autopsy Report.” Grunge, 10 Aug. 2021,


Staff, T. R. “15 Famous People Who Are Allegedly Controlled By Project MKUltra.” TheRichest, 26 Nov. 2016,

“Was Marlyn Monroe an Illuminati Sex Slave?” HenryMakow.Com, Accessed 9 Apr. 2024.

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