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The Epidemic of Narcissism
Shayna Clark
1213-02B: English Composition II
Professor Hammett
July 29, 2024

The Epidemic of Narcissism

Narcissism dates back as far as 2000 years when Ovid wrote the legend of Narcissus. He tells the story of a beautiful Greek hunter who sees their reflection in a pool of water and falls in love with his reflection. He becomes obsessed with his beauty and cannot leave his reflection until he dies. After his death, the flower narcissus grew where he lay. (Wedge, M. (2019). Over the past few years, there have been some known reasons behind narcissism and some solutions to them. There are quite a few solutions to narcissism or narcissism personality disorder (NPD).
When dealing with NPD there are several solutions you can choose from. First, setting personal boundaries with the person or persons with NPD is beneficial; it is one of the most important steps in the process, “This process essentially involves determining what you are comfortable with, where your limits lie, and then communicating and upholding these limits in your interactions. This might involve limiting the time you spend with the person, deciding which topics you’re willing to discuss, or setting limits on the types of behavior you’ll accept.” (Godreau, 2024). Sometimes maintaining these certain boundaries can be very challenging. They may respond in a way that might be very persuasive. Standing your ground and knowing what you are doing is important for their well-being.
Another solution when interacting with a narcissist is practicing self-care; it's very critical to remember this as self-care is of top importance: “Narcissists can drain your emotional energy, leaving you feeling exhausted, anxious, or depressed. Taking care of yourself physically, emotionally, and mentally is important. Remember to practice meditation or yoga to stay centered and grounded and reduce the impact of their behavior on your mental health. Prioritizing self-care is not selfish; it’s essential.” (Godreau, 2024). So, always remember your sanity when practicing your self-care and mental health.
An additional solution is to communicate; like many things, communication is a big key. You must be very transparent, short, and confident when communicating. Set your boundaries and always reinforce them regularly:
Assertive communication is not about being aggressive or confrontational—it’s about expressing your needs and feelings in a respectful and direct way. One strategy is to use ‘I’ statements, which can help you express your perspective without appearing to attack or criticize the narcissist. For example, instead of saying ‘You never listen to me’ you could say, ‘I feel unheard when I express my thoughts.’ This can reduce defensiveness and promote more constructive communication. (Godreau, 2024)
So, always remember to communicate very firmly and efficiently when dealing with a narcissist.
When interacting with a narcissist, it is best to have empathy without enabling their behavior. This can be a very tedious thing to balance with someone with narcissistic personality disorder; “On one hand, it’s important to remember that narcissists often act the way they do because of deep-seated insecurities and fears. Showing empathy can help diffuse tension and make your interactions smoother. On the other hand, it’s essential not to enable their harmful behavior.” (Godreau, 2024). The article states “This is where setting and enforcing boundaries comes into play. You can show understanding and empathy for their feelings without allowing them to overstep your boundaries or manipulate you.” (Godreau, 2024). This step to the solution can be very hard to balance out, but routine makes perfect like everything.
One of the best answers to dealing with narcissistic personality disorder is to educate yourself about the disorder itself. “Educating yourself about the intricacies of this personality disorder can be empowering and enlightening. Read books on the topic, listen to podcasts, watch educational videos, or attend workshops or seminars. Understanding the roots of narcissistic behavior can help you depersonalize your actions and maintain your emotional health. Remember, knowledge is power. (Godreau, 2024). With the right understanding and studying you can work your way through your collaborations with narcissists more successfully and shield your welfare and mental health from their narcissistic traits.
If no other solutions work to your avail, you can seek professional help. When seeking treatment for narcissistic personality disorder medical professionals refer to it as psychotherapy; “Medicine can be included in this therapy if there are other mental health conditions present. Unfortunately, there is no known medicine currently to treat narcissistic personality disorder.” (Narcissistic personality disorder 2023). The article reminds people with this condition “Don’t hesitate to seek professional help if you’re feeling overwhelmed. Therapists are trained to deal with situations like these and can provide invaluable support. They can and will help you develop effective coping strategies, provide emotional support, and help you understand the dynamics of your relationship better. Professional assistance can make a world of difference when dealing with a narcissist.” (Godreau, 2024). There is no embarrassment in taking care of your mental health and getting and accepting help with it. It is one of the greatest things you can do for your mental well-being.
Narcissism has been around for a very long time. So now it is an epidemic that still needs solving, with the solutions above. There are steps that can be taken for someone with NPD. It is an epidemic that could be eradicated.
Christine Hammond, M. (2020). Is it possible to fix narcissism? Retrieved from
Godreau, J. (2024). Dealing with narcissistic personalities. Retrieved from
Mehta, V. (2016). How narcissists got that way. Retrieved from
Narcissistic personality disorder. (2023). Retrieved from
Twenge, J. M., & Campbell, W. K. (2009). The narcissism epidemic: Living in the age of entitlement. Simon and Schuster
Wedge, M. (2019). A brief history of narcissism. Retrieved from

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